DEF Rubber

Why is Custom Rubber Sheet the Best Choice for Target Backing?

Target backing demands high-quality materials, and various options have been explored. However, extensive practical experience has shown that natural rubber stands out as the optimal choice for target backing materials. DEF Rubber produces specialized Rubber Sheets for target backing, customized according to your needs and backed by numerous successful cases. But why is natural Custom Rubber Sheet considered the best choice for target backing materials? Here are the primary reasons:

  1. Exceptional Self-Healing Capability:

    Natural rubber possesses remarkable elasticity and tear resistance, endowing it with outstanding self-healing capabilities. It can withstand intense shots from different calibers, automatically healing even after penetration, leaving only tiny, needle-like marks. It effectively prevents ricochets and rebounding, ensuring the shooter’s safety. However, it’s important to note that it is not bulletproof; it merely mitigates the risk of being hit by rebounded bullet fragments.

  2. Long Lifespan:

    Due to its excellent strength, elasticity, tear resistance, wear resistance, and self-healing ability, using natural custom Rubber Sheets as target backing significantly extends the lifespan of the target.

  3. Reduced Lead Dust Generation:

    The target backing made of natural Custom Rubber Sheet can effectively suppress the generation of lead dust and smoke, enhancing environmental safety and cleanliness.

  4. Shock Absorption and Noise Reduction:

    Natural rubber sheets provide excellent elasticity, resulting in noticeable shock absorption and noise reduction effects. After passing through the target backing, the bullet’s speed significantly decreases, effectively eliminating the sound of the bullet hitting the rear armor.

  5. Easily Identifiable Colors:

    DEF natural rubber sheets come in various colors like red, black, and white. Red is the most commonly used color due to its vividness, making it easy for shooters to detect and identify the target. For recording purposes, white target backing helps cameras quickly capture shot locations.

  6. Flexible Installation Methods:

    Our target backing can be freely suspended and moved, employing steel wire guide structures for horizontal or vertical movement. Typically, we avoid fixing both the upper and lower parts of the target backing simultaneously, ensuring both ease of use and enhanced safety.

  7. Enhanced Environmental Tolerance:

    Because rubber’s properties are stable, it can be used both indoors and outdoors, unaffected by weather and temperature changes. It is also less susceptible to damage from insects or other rodent-like animals in the environment.

  8. Simple Maintenance:

    In comparison to other target backing materials like wood or canvas, rubber target backing is more stable, less prone to rotting or decomposition, and thus requires simpler maintenance. Its longer lifespan enhances air quality and the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. Additionally, when significant holes appear in the target backing, they can be easily repaired using patches, avoiding frequent replacements.

  9. Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly:

    Natural rubber is a safe and eco-friendly material, known for its renewable properties. DEF Rubber’s custom natural rubber sheets, with their excellent performance and outstanding cost control, represent your best choice for reducing costs while maintaining environmental sustainability.

If you have other specific requirements such as flame resistance or UV protection, feel free to inform us. DEF Rubber provides professional Custom Rubber Sheet services, offering products in various colors, hardness levels, thicknesses, and patterns, tailored to meet all your requirements. Although DEF Rubber might be a new name to you, please understand that brand recognition doesn’t always correlate with quality. Sometimes, adhering to a well-known brand might incur higher costs. DEF Rubber is committed to providing the best quality and service at competitive prices. We continuously innovate and improve our products, and we look forward to embracing the future together with our customers.