DEF Rubber

What are the reasons for the rapid wear of Rubber Liners?

In the previous article, we provided a brief introduction to what a slurry pump is, its application areas, methods to extend its lifespan, and common materials used for slurry pump liners. In this article, we will focus on the structural components of slurry pumps, with particular attention to Rubber Liners, and summarize some of the common issues they encounter.

As we know, slurry pumps are designed to transport slurry, which is a mixture of solid particles suspended in liquid. During operation, slurry pumps face various challenges such as erosion, cavitation, chemical corrosion, and electrochemical corrosion. The components of a slurry pump, especially those in direct contact with the slurry, are susceptible to wear and tear. Among these components are the liner materials, with Rubber Liners being a common choice.

However, improper usage can lead to the failure of Rubber Liners. Common causes of Rubber Liner failure include:

  1. Excessive Wear: Rubber Liners come into direct contact with slurry containing solid particles. The high-speed movement of slurry creates intense impacts on the Rubber Liners, causing continuous wear. When the wear reaches a certain point, the rubber liners become ineffective. Therefore, regular inspection and replacement of Rubber Liners are crucial maintenance tasks.
  2. High Temperatures: Rubber exhibits good heat resistance, but when exposed to extremely high temperatures beyond its tolerance, Rubber Liners may soften and lose their wear resistance properties, or even catch fire. Although DEF Rubber has made advances in high-temperature-resistant rubber, the absence of an efficient cooling system can still reduce the lifespan of slurry pumps.
  3. Cavitation Damage: In areas of low pressure near the center of the slurry pump impeller, water vaporizes to form bubbles. When these bubbles flow with the slurry to areas of higher pressure, they implode instantly, generating a high local pressure that leads to cavitation. Cavitation results in significant momentary impact, contributing to the wear and tear of Rubber Liners.
  4. Corrosion: Rubber exhibits excellent corrosion resistance properties, particularly in acidic environments. Different Rubber Liners have their preferred pH value ranges. When the pH level is above or below this range, it can shorten the lifespan of Rubber Liners.

DEF Rubber manufactures wear-resistant Rubber Liners using advanced formulations and high-quality raw materials. Our products outperform the market in terms of wear resistance, elasticity, tear resistance, and other critical factors. Moreover, while ensuring quality, we excel in cost control. If you are searching for high-quality Rubber Liner products, feel free to reach out to us for further discussions.