¿Qué es el material tipo LX?

Learn about the composition, variations, and manufacturers of LX-Type Material. Explore its applications in various fields.

What Exactly is LX-Type Material?

In industrial production, a highly elastic red soft sheet, commonly referred to as LX-Type Material, is widely recognized for its exceptional performance. This material is primarily composed of over 95% natural rubber, differing significantly from regular rubber sheets in terms of wear resistance, tensile strength, and lifespan. The original concept was introduced by a leading manufacturer in the industry, setting a high-performance standard for rubber products. Over the years, LX-Type Rubber has become synonymous with high-quality rubber solutions.

Para más información, puedes leer nuestros artículos:

Photo of Linatex red rubber sheet, a well-known brand for abrasion-resistant natural rubber products used in mining equipment linings and squeegee blades, produced by Weir Minerals with a global presence.
Fábrica de China de formas de materiales tipo LX

Why is LX-Type Material Unique?

Composición y Proceso de Producción:

LX-Type Material consists mainly of 95% caucho natural Combinado con pequeñas cantidades de aditivos, las variaciones en las fórmulas de fabricación dan lugar a diferencias en el rendimiento del producto entre fabricantes.

Goma DEF

DEF Rubber, un fabricante líder en el campo, produce caucho natural de fase líquida de alta resistencia al desgaste as an excellent alternative to LX-Type Material. DEF Rubber’s unique wet rubber mixing technology preserves the long-chain molecular structure of natural rubber and employs nano-particle modification to enhance the integration of additives.

Imagen adjunta: Cuadro comparativo de distribución de peso molecular del caucho DEF.

Molecular weight distribution graph showing natural rubber in latex, DEF Rubber's Linatex material, and standard compounded rubber. The graph highlights DEF Rubber's preservation of the long-chain molecular structure of natural latex, contrasted with significant molecular changes in standard compounded rubber.
1. Curva de distribución de peso molecular bimodal típica del látex natural.
2. DEF Rubber conserva perfectamente la estructura de distribución del peso molecular del caucho natural
3. Los productos de caucho compuestos comunes alteran la larga estructura de cadena molecular del caucho natural.

Características y ventajas:

Gracias al avanzado procesamiento del caucho húmedo y a sus fórmulas únicas, DEF Rubber ofrece una resistencia a la tracción y elasticidad superiores, lo que lo convierte en un material resistente al desgaste ideal para aplicaciones de lodos.

  • Propiedades físicas excepcionales: Se ha demostrado en el uso práctico que alta elasticidad, fuerza, resistencia al desgarro y resistencia al desgaste protegen las superficies del equipo y prolongan su vida útil.
  • Ahorro de energía y reducción de ruido: La excelente resistencia al desgaste y la elasticidad protegen el equipo, reducen el consumo de energía y reducen los niveles de ruido.
  • Mantenimiento simplificado: Con una vida útil tres veces mayor que la del caucho resistente al desgaste común, la frecuencia de mantenimiento se reduce considerablemente, lo que hace que el mantenimiento sea más fácil y conveniente.
  • Rentabilidad: DEF Rubber combina un rendimiento excepcional con un precio competitivo, lo que elimina el alto costo que suele asociarse con las marcas de caucho de primera calidad. Si está interesado, por favor Contáctenos.

Typical Applications of LX-Type Material

Its unique physical and chemical properties make LX-Type Material widely used in high-end applications, including mining equipment such as slurry pump linings, rubber impellers, and rubber screens, hydrocyclone liners, and other high-wear pipelines, pumps, and valves. It also finds applications in other demanding fields. Learn more about its applications:

Photo showing a large quantity of floor scrubber squeegees produced by DEF Rubber, a leading manufacturer of high-quality, cost-effective squeegees worldwide.
Escobilla de goma para fregadora de pisos Form China Factory

With DEF Rubber’s cost-effective LX-Type Material, it is now a viable alternative in fields previously dominated by ordinary wear-resistant rubber. Continuous innovation and cost reduction ensure shared profits and mutual progress with customers.

Descargo de responsabilidad

This article uses the term ‘LX-Type Material’ as a substitute for Linatex to provide clarity. Linatex is a registered trademark of The Weir Group PLC. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or authorized by The Weir Group PLC or Linatex. All trademarks mentioned in this article are the property of their respective owners. This article is for informational purposes only and does not imply any partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement.

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