


步骤1. 研磨和粗化:

研磨、喷砂或打毛金属表面,使表面粗糙度达到 80 微米。之后,确保彻底清洁金属表面,去除所有污染物。

A photo of a metal surface after grinding and roughening, the first step in the rubber lining procedure for Linatex-type rubber materials. The textured surface enhances bonding strength between metal and rubber.

第 2 步。 表面预处理:

喷砂后 4 小时内,涂抹金属预处理剂(例如, 乐泰SF-7467) 涂到清洁干燥的金属表面上。这种预处理可确保更好的粘附性。

A photo of the LOCTITE SF 7467 product, used as a pre-treatment agent for metal surfaces in the rubber lining procedure with Linatex-type rubber materials. It removes rust and contaminants while preventing rust formation on the metal surface for up to seven days.

步骤3. 预处理剂的去除:

涂抹预处理剂 1 分钟后(不要超过 5 分钟),使用吸水泡沫滚筒和吸水纸去除多余部分。此处理可保护金属表面长达 7 天不生锈。

A photo of a foam roller brush with excellent water absorption. Used alongside absorbent paper to remove excess pre-treatment agent from metal surfaces during the rubber lining procedure.

步骤4. 涂抹LPT1205金属粘合剂:

彻底混合 LPT1205金属胶 涂抹前。使用刷子或滚筒在准备好的金属表面上均匀涂抹一层。涂抹后,让粘合剂在室温下自然干燥 60 分钟。如果可能,加热将提高粘合性能。典型的干膜厚度应在 5.1–10.2 微米之间。涂抹粘合剂后,确保金属部件妥善存放,防止灰尘、油污和潮湿,最长存放时间不应超过一个月。

A photo of LPT1205, a treatment agent used during the rubber lining procedure for bonding Linatex-type rubber to metal. Applied as a primer on metal surfaces after roughening and rust removal, LPT1205 significantly enhances the bonding strength between the metal and the rubber lining, ensuring the durability of the Linatex rubber lining.

欲了解更多LPT1205的操作说明和安全指南,请点击下载: LPT1205 材料安全数据表, LPT1205 总溶解固体.


客户还可以使用 CHEMLOK 205 和 CHEMLOK 220 产品。首先,在处理过的金属表面涂上一层 CHEMLOK 205。待其完全干燥后,再涂上第二层 CHEMLOK 220。




步骤1. 研磨:


A photo of a Linatex-type rubber material with a roughened surface. Roughening the bonding surface before rubber lining significantly enhances the adhesion strength between the rubber and the metal.

第 2 步。 清洁和干燥:

用以下材料清洁橡胶表面 LPT360清洁剂 去除污垢和残留物。清洁后,让表面自然干燥或加热使其完全干燥,确保橡胶没有水分。

步骤3. 切割橡胶:




A photo showing the cutting method for rubber joints during the rubber lining procedure for Linatex-type rubber and metal bonding. The joint is typically cut with a sloped structure, where the slope length is twice the material thickness.


A photo showing the overlapping joint structure for rubber seams during the rubber lining procedure for Linatex-type rubber. This type of joint is used in acidic or highly corrosive environments, with the overlap length of the slope being four times the material thickness. This method enhances the seal and improves the corrosion resistance of the lining.

步骤4. 涂抹橡胶处理剂:

LPT366橡胶处理剂B组份 进入 组件 并充分搅拌直至B完全溶解。注意:混合后的处理剂应在4小时内使用。


欲了解更多有关LPT 366的操作说明及安全指引,请点击下载: LPT 366 材料安全数据表 ,LPT 366 总阴离子 .


步骤1. 混合粘合剂:

混合 LPT3008 粘合剂ER65固化剂 按 100:5 的重量比混合。确保混合物充分混合。

笔记: 混合后的胶粘剂必须在3小时内使用。每桶3.5公斤 LPT3008 粘合剂 覆盖约4平方米的橡胶。

第 2 步。 将粘合剂涂抹到橡胶和金属表面:


A photo of LPT3008, a primary adhesive used in the Linatex rubber lining procedure. It is applied to roughened and activated rubber surfaces, typically in two layers, before bonding with metal surfaces treated with a primer. This ensures exceptionally strong adhesion for Linatex rubber linings.

欲了解更多LPT 3008的操作说明和安全指南,请点击下载: LPT 3008 材料安全数据表, LPT 3008 总溶解固体, ER65 化学品安全技术说明书.

步骤3. 粘合:


步骤4. 粘合后:

This photo shows the process of trimming excess rubber after the Linatex rubber lining has been bonded to the metal. This trimming work is done only after the rubber is fully adhered to the metal, cutting off any excess rubber at the edges.

完成粘合后,至少等待 3 小时,然后才能对橡胶进行任何切割或研磨操作。让粘合材料静置至少 24 小时,以确保足够的粘合强度。
